
In My Garden - from October 2022


Katherine Swift in the 'The Morville Year' puts her agapanthus plants into large black pots. When they are flowering she fills in sparse place in the borders by dropping the pots in among the plants. She also does this with nicotiana, growing them from seed and then planting them four seedlings at a time into a 12" pot.

Divide the Agapanthus in May.

Plants for dry shade - sea holly, grey sedge (sedge has solid stems), pheasant grass


15th - Pelargoniums; cuttings in the cold frame. One left to take a cutting from - might be able to take even more cuttings in a while once the cuttings have rooted, as several of the plants have got growth happening partway up the stems.   

18th - Salvia hotlips and Salvia Armistead cuttings in the coldframe.

21st - Peas (kelvedon), Broad beans (aquadulce) and cauliflower seeds in the old plastic greenhouse. Also sunflower seedlings which sprouted where they fell when refilling bird feeder, planted into little pots. I've thrown the rest of the sprouts into the soil by the camellia. 

All the daffodil and crocus bulbs lifted and stored from last year's patio tubs have been planted in the flowerbeds. 


All the bulbs planted by the end of the month, broad beans moved from shelter to the tubs, The two very last to come up have been protected by a cloche for now - all the others were about 1 ft tall.

One or two cauliflowers germinated - no sign of peas - by the end of the month.  

Surprisingly mild season so many things still in flower - rose, fuschia, salvia.

Forecast in the last few days is for frost, so geranium (perlagonium) and salvia  (Armisted and Hotlips) brought inside.


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