
Friday 23 August 2024

Friday 23rd August

Hello Friday!

It was a socialising sort of day...

In the morning a friend and I zoomed for an hour, catching up on each other's week, and news, and general chit chat. We could ignore the gusts of wind and occasional rainy squalls; with the wonder of zoom we could meet up without braving the weather.

After lunch my last remaining 'piano family' called by to say goodbye. It's a big change for the three siblings; I probably started teaching the oldest when she was 6, 8 years ago, and the younger ones, now 11 and 12 years old, started with me when they were 6 or 7. But they are now grade 6, 7 and 8 standard and zoom teaching just doesn't do them justice. The sound quality just isn't good enough, and I need to see their whole body when they are playing - feet, back, shoulders, arms and head as well as their hands on the keyboard. 

So, some sadness. They are going to another teacher in September for face to face lessons and I hope they settle in quickly. It's a big change for them.

But look what they brought me:

A lovely bunch of roses and a most beautiful Dartington vase. It is perfect, and I have been after a vase of that size and shape for years.

I hadn't finished meeting people yet; at 4pm we had a zoom to meet our friends in Canada - zoom really has been a transformation in being able to keep up with family and friends. It was so good to chat and exchange news.

Finally another zoom at 8pm for my lovely church homegroup, 

We needed another early night after all that socialising!


  1. I love Dartington glassware. Always so stylish. we just had a candlelit dinner (my first ever taste of wagyu beef steak. Wow!) and I lit the Dartington candle holder which came from my Aunt. What a lovely and well deserved gift. You will think of these lovely young people whenever you use the vase.

    1. I am ruined for 'ordinary' beef steak ever since I had a beautiful fillet steak. I've never had wagyu though. I will treasure the vase and try and keep it filled with flowers.

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