
Wednesday 7 August 2024

Wednesday 7th August

A day full of variety  - but then, so many days are...

Leaving the house in good time meant that I was at the London hospital for routine lung function tests an hour early. How did that happen? Last time, we allowed exactly the same amount of time and I barely made it in time, leaping out of the car outside the hospital and leaving BB to park the car and come and find me. London traffic is very unpredictable. 

We were fully prepared to wait,  but they called me straight away, I managed to do all the tests without any mistakes and we were back in the car at the time of the original appointment. Wow!

We had brought a picnic, and thought of stopping somewhere on the way home, but sky clouded over, a brisk wind blew up so we picnicked at home.

Ang's parcel with her 'Cover Story' stitching was waiting for me when we opened the front door which was a lovely surprise. I'll post photographs tomorrow. 

Later in the afternoon I went into the garden and picked three streaky pink/red/cream sweet peas. They looked a bit lonely so I added some lavender. 

Somehow this turned into deadheading, and then pruning the lavender which had overgrown its space. I'm hoping I've pruned enough but not too much, taking the woody branches from the underneath, and making sure that I leave plenty of green growth above. So far, so good!

Now I'm curled up on the settee eating pizza...

I've written this post on my phone so I expect it will be more typo-ridden than usual - sorry...


  1. My sweet pea hanging basket produced only leaves, and they died. Maybe next year...

  2. How brave to drive into London.

    1. My thoughts exactly. BB drives us; his heart rate on the fitness tracker watch stayed low for the entire journey! He doesn't mind driving in London at all.
