
Wednesday 4 September 2024

Wednesday 4th September

And another long day is done...

This afternoon was entirely occupied by taking my father to hospital for a planned procedure. All went very smoothly, but by the time you've spent an hour door to door getting to the hospital, waited two and a half hours while the treatment was done, and then an hour and a half getting home (rush hour) - well, that made for a long afternoon. 

Still, I had this to look forward to;

Elizabethd has lent me her much-loved copy of the first in the series by Elizabeth Falconer. I have just started reading it and I'm already hooked. I didn't dare take it to read at the hospital as the book is so fragile.  It's obviously even read many times. 

Now I'm curled up on the settee with it. You can see my warm knitted poncho in the picture. I've dug it as it is such a chilly evening. It seems like only a few weeks have passed since I put it away!


  1. I love the Autumnal colours of that throw. Definitely an inspiration for some slow stitching... 😉

  2. Glad you are enjoying reading it. You are right, it has been read and re-read so many times!
