in the garden but you have to look carefully. Apart from the obvious plants in patio pots, and daffodils and snowdrops in the grass, there are signs of new growth hidden in the old leaves and tangled vines
My gardener came today and spent several hours raking out leaves from 'Eyeore's Gloomy Patch' as I call the damper, shadier side of the garden. She was raking very cautiously as yesterday in someone else's garden she disturbed a toad... I warned her that there was a large mottled toad on that side of the garden last year. (Sadly it wasn't up to eating all the slugs by itself though).
One the leaved and brambles were cleared, and the vines brought under control, I could see little green spears poking through the soil, and tiny leaves leaves just beginning to grow on the vines.
With the help of the website; the 'soul in paraphrase' is suggesting that the summary of how your soul feels is your prayer, and the 'heart in pilgrimage' is about one's heart on a journey towards God.
Now, today, 'The Christian plummet sounding heav'n and earth'; the plummet is like a plumb line, used to measure depth...
The Ravel Concerto for the left hand begins with the very deepest sounds of a contrabassoon. The the piano part reaches up, striving towards the higher notes and the concerto is well under way.Or at least that's what I did.
What a composer!
What a pianist!