Sunday, 21 October 2012

A month of weather - 18/10/12 Blessed are the peacemakers

The week just gone has been a real up-and-down-and-up-and downer. With a lot of downer, to be truthful.

When I took this photograph, it was first thing in the morning, I was emerging from a "downer". The sky seemed to speak to me of renewed hope for the day. Although the black rain clouds were massed on the low horizon, the sky above was bright blue, and criss-crossed with white aeroplane trails. It made me think of journeying away from the dark times into a new, bright place.

As I drove about, the sky changed in appearance as I changed direction. At one moment I would be facing ominous grey clouds, threatening rain and storm and floods. Then I would turn a corner, and the sky would be a uniform, clear, luminous, deep blue, like a summer's day. Turn again, and there would be pale, thin, fluffy white clouds traced against the blue.

It made me consider how one's point of view changes one's perception of a situation. It's the same situation, but it can be interpreted in so many different ways. If I had only faced one way, I would have set off with umbrella, waterproofs, wellington boots. Looking in a different direction, a light jacket and sandals would have been fine.

This has became an important thought to hold on to. When black clouds of doom are coming towards me with what seems to be a scary inevitability, (which, at the moment, they are), remembering that we all see things from different points of view, and with different perspectives is vital. It is all too easy to be overcome by a rising tide of blind, sick panic. Finding an honest, truthful, sincere, humble way through the approaching storm, respecting other people's views and keeping unhelpful emotions in check is the only sensible way forward.

He who sows the wind, will reap the whirlwind...

Blessed are the peacemakers......

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