It has been too full of difficulty and hard words and a fair amount of grumpiness. I actually got as far as checking the fine details of my work contract and thinking about what other ways I could earn my daily bread.
Some of the tough parts have been to do with recognising my own failings; there are so many things I should have done, or done better, and then there are things I maybe shouldn't have done at all!
Oh well. Time runs forwards, not backwards. I have to start each day from where I am, not where I would like to be.
And my last lessons on Fridays all last year have been really hard work; large classes of beginner recorder players where I needed to use every trick I knew to keep them focused. It's a bit like lion-taming, except that if I lose control they all just tootle and lark about rather than eat me.
This week I had the first lesson with the new year group. Their behaviour was exemplary, with barely a sound out of place. Then, to round off the day, there was a glorious double rainbow right across the playground. The colours were glowing as bright as electric lights against the dark skies. It seemed to be a promise for better times to come.
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