This is typical of the day's worth of stuff that gets loaded into my car every morning....
This was for a Wednesday: in the big black case is my djembe, on top are gloves and a ukulele. Beside it is a laptop bag which I use for lugging my sound system around (the first school's system is incompatible with my mp3 player).Underneath my sketchbook and pen case (those are optional extras for if I get time to do any sketching) is a repinique, which is a samba drum which I use for leading samba classes, and some spare samba instruments. The camouflage rucksack contains various music books and my packed lunch, there is a spare djembe I am taking to a school to replace a broken one, and finally my all-important red "hand-bag" which contains everything I need to survive almost every situation. (and weighs a ton).
This was for a ukulele class, followed by a samba class, and then, twenty miles further on, another samba class and two djembe classes. And I did get to do some sketching too!
I reckon it all weighs about 20 pounds or so - it's a while since I put it on the scales.
Wednesday was quite a good day, all in all, apart from accidentally dunking my usb memory stick in a cup of tea. That might prove to be a bit of a bind. I haven't yet tried it out to see if it still works, in case it gunks up the usb port on a computer. I've given it plenty of time to dry out, and now need to plug it into an old port somewhere, to scrub the connections clean without damaging something important. This is the kind of thing that is happening to me all the time at the moment...
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