Saturday, 11 May 2013

Saturday 11th May - Street Art in Chichester

Some days are just perfect.

Good Weather - check
Good Moods - check
Good Surroundings - check
Good Ice Cream - check (Thorntons - coffee and caramel with runny toffee sauce)
Comfortable Shoes - check
Marks and Spencers Sandwiches in the Park picnic - check
Ridiculous and unnecessary purchases - check (8 tambourines to use with the children at work)

We (me, my husband and both the "children") met up in Chichester on the May Bank Holiday. We found ourselves in the middle of their first ever Festival of Street Art.

Walking around the town we saw this

and this (yes, that is carefully painted bird poo at ground level)

These are close to the theatre car park. The tall thin "person" is a sort of arrangement of painted wooded planks with painted people all wearing wellingtons wooden hanging on for dear life.

 There were others, but I don't seem to have photographed them. You can see more pictures here at boggyb's site - he took more pictures than I did.

We ambled through the Bishops Gardens, sauntered through the Cathedral revisiting favourite bits of art:

window by Marc Chagall
picture from wikipedia
Raising of Lazarus circa 1100
photo of postcard, copied and pasted from from
ate a picnic in the park surrounding the ruins of the old Norman castle, walked round some of the Roman walls, and finally went our separate ways home by car and rail. 

In between we chatted about this or that, and talked about plans for the future (son thinking about buying a house, daughter thinking about renting a flat with friends, husband thinking about retiring towards the end of next year), just had a free and easy day together.

A Good Day.

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