Wednesday 12 November 2014

Wednesday 12th November - Landing on a Comet

Philae from Rolis instrument
One of the cameras on Philae sent this image of the comet during the descent

I'm not that interested in astronomy.

What fascinated me was watching the young (in my eyes!) scientists as they watched the landing...

The launch was ten years ago, so presumably the planning and the development stages were even longer than that ago, when these scientists were undergraduates, or maybe even still at school.

I guess many of the original team will have moved on, moved away, retired, without seeing the end of their project. A bit like planting trees for a future landscape, planning for eternity; thinking for the long-term. A bit different to how so many people think about life.


1 comment:

  1. Today's xkcd was a sort-of live flip-book-animation of the landing, updating as the day went on. There's a complete archive starting at
