Friday 18 December 2015

Friday 18th December 2015 - Advent 18

Random thoughts of the day

My new diary for next year has been delivered. Tide Green this year.

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The current one is purple, and last year's, the first one, scarlet. The 2015 one only has a few blank pages left. Obviously. Because next Friday is Christmas Day and the following Friday is 1st January 2016.

Image result for time flies image
Oh my word! Where did the year go? 

I finally dared to try the "Nutty Chocolate" Assam Tea.

It was a bit weird, but not undrinkable. Like the "Fudge Melts" tea from a week or so ago; weird but not scary. Like drinking a not-particularly-strong cup of tea while holding a Ferrero Rocher chocolate under your nose.

My Christmas Cactus has exploded into bloom. My mother's, at the Nursing Home, is really not happy and throwing all its buds away. They are "sensitive" little souls.

I've written all the Christmas Cards! Calloo callay, oh frabjous day! I reckon we've sent about 70, and I've a dozen e-cards to send too. When I feel crabby about writing them, I remember how much I enjoy receiving them. can't have one without the other.

I'm not sure how I ended up with about 7 boxes leftover. I think that the "three for two" offer at Waitrose must have had a strange effect on my calculations of how many boxes I needed to buy.

Memo to self: Do NOT buy any cards next year...

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