Thursday 2 November 2017

Thursday 2nd November - The Flower

And it has just about opened! I've cropped the picture, as it rather looks as though the flower is reaching for the kitchen knives  which is a bit alarming. Much as I love the Christmas Cactus flowers, they do look a little triffid-like.

The colder weather has suddenly arrived. I now have to remember to leave my car in gear, with the handbrake off, in case there is a proper frost overnight. Bitter experience has taught me not to take the risk of the handbrake freezing - it causes too much hassle when I can't drive it to work in the mornings.

I'm nearly through the first week back;
So far I have taught seven class music lessons, one singing assembly, one school choir, and twenty-nine piano lessons. My working week doesn't finish until Saturday lunch time, so just four class lessons, one drumming workshop and five piano lessons to go until then.

I've done quite well at avoiding staff-room biscuits too, this week. I can't say the same about puddings after evening meals though. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day...

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