Friday, 16 November 2018

Friday 16th November - Last day of 'retirement'

Perotin; Beatus Viscera
Today is the last day of Autumn, judging by the weather forecast. The temperature is to drop and I am getting my thermals out ready. Hard to remember how mild the weather was at the beginning of the month. I'll planning to teach a normal Saturday morning tomorrow, and then back into school on Monday.

I'm not liking the current world news much; I'm glad that today's music (the one I listened to by accident a couple of days ago) comes from another time;

This was composed in around 1220 a French composer, Perotin.

Beata viscera Perotin (1160 - 1223)

I love the way the melody rises and falls, like a hawk hovering way overhead.

I think this album is going onto my Christmas List.

A Medieval Christmas

I've nearly finished knitting the birds on the scarf. Not sure if the scarf will complete for next week though. I've been looking for Christmas Tree patterns to knit into it when the yarn shades into green.

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