Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Wednesday 14th November - preview of retirement

Another day of not going to work, and I have cancelled tomorrow as well. Then Friday is my non-teaching day, and hopefully I will be functioning by Saturday. Meanwhile, I could get used to staying in bed until the afternoon, breakfast and lunch brought up on a tray...  the cat certainly approves.

Although I'd rather be going out, talking a stroll along the beach, having a meal in a sea-side cafe, enjoying the Autumn sunshine...  Oh well. That will have to wait until I'm properly retired.

I'm listening to some beautiful medieval singing as I tap in this blog - that's because I have turned over two pages in the 'Year of Wonder' music for every day of the year book. You'll have to wait.

Here's today's piece;

Fantasia in G minor, by Fanny Mendelssohn, for cello and piano

What else is there to say about today? Not much. I ate biscuits - the ones I made last Sunday. I drank coffee and water and I'm about to make a cup of tea. I had a bath. I started on my antibiotics, kept ready in the top drawer for when a chest infection threatened - so that's the end of boozing for a while.

I have found a couple of collections of P D James' short detective stories.

The Mistletoe Murder and Other StoriesSleep No More: Six Murderous Tales

I have downloaded 'The Mistletoe Murder' ... I suspect I will succumb to temptation and get 'Sleep No More' . I am a soft touch for books with wood-cut style covers even if the contents inside might not live up to the pictures.

It is too, too easy when you have a kindle to just one-click away... But at least e-books don't add to the over-crowding on the shelves.

I came across them when searching for 'An English Murder' which I heard reviewed last night on the Radio 4 book programme (and that was only £1.49 and contains no sugar at all unlike the biscuits). Apparently Cyril Hare was a popular Murder Mystery writer in the 1930s and onwards.

An English Murder

I was amused to read in the wikipedia (lined above) that he read history at New College, Oxford, where he heard William Archibald Spooner say in a sermon that 'now we see through a dark glassly'.

Brilliant. That sums up these days of chaos perfectly.

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