It is weird how quickly I have lost the sense of what day of the week it is. Without the regular round of schools and students to keep me on track, I'm constantly having to doublecheck.
I'm tempted to buy, or make, some kind of perpetual day date calendar...

The one on the right might be possible - I'll get Himself on the task...
Where did this week go?
Monday; clearing the decks for finishing teaching
Tuesday; clearing my godmother's house, sending emails to schools and pupils
Wednesday; completing the sale of my godmother's house, starting my tax return
Thursday; notifying gas, electric, insurance etc re completion of sale, setting up for my pupils,
Friday; Himself went shopping in the morning, I refunded music lesson payments for lessons wthat won't happen.
Saturday; Oh, that's today! delivering letters and books to a few friends, sowing sunflowers, knitting, thinking
Last night I was wondering how best to approach this sea of time. It's not like the holidays, when the dozen 'days off' are carefully hoarded and any events such as the dentist, or a day out, or even a few days holiday are all meticulously planned. At the moment my diary is almost completely clear, and the few remaining events are going to be cancelled or postponed.
I've had a pattern all week of a slow morning (breakfast-in-bed!) doing social media and reading and drawing
and going through the chunk of Mr Mark for the day, and then getting up and doing fairly hefty and tricksy paperwork. Now that all the administration is done, I need to find some other focus to the days.
Today some yarn that I ordered arrived and I've started knitting patterned squares - a 'quarantine mystery knit-along from the Arne and Carlos site. My first three attempts were thwarted and I had to rip them out. Then I looked more closely at the pattern (perhaps reading the instructions earlier in the process might have saved me some aggro) and discovered that the chart is 29 stitches across, not 30. Aha! And I've stitched a project bag to hold the needles, wool and chart.
I also sat down and wrote a list of things to try and get done; On the left is is a selection of ideas, on the right are yesterday and today's lists. It helps me see what needs to be done, and what I actually did.
I put the sweet pea seedings outside to harden them off, and remembered to fetch them back in again, and also sown some sunflowers. We shall see what comes up!
I've a number of larger and smaller knitting projects on the go; the little mitred squares are being added to this blanket every so often.
The package from the wool shop included the yarn to connect the crochet squares I was making all through last year, and also to make some more slippers for the daughter who is now working from home.
Today's culinary surprise was discovering that the pack of Thai chicken currey with coconut rice contained two packets of rice and none of chicken. Has somebody really gone through the packs, swapping their rice for someone else's curry? Pretty poor show, sez I, if that were the case.
Himself concocted a 'fusion' meal - Thai coconut rice, with chicken leftovers from the freezer and some Indian dhansak curry sauce..
We're well, my father's well. Take care...
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