Tuesday 23 June 2020

Tuesday 23rd June - Temporary Heatwave

I am feeling a bit sorry for the workmen outside, digging up our concrete road in this blistering heat. They are wearing hi-viz, and construction helmets, and ear defenders, and must be melting.

The bungalow opposite is being renovated, with the same zeal and energy as last time, back in about 1990. It provides a kind of live-stream entertainment; we can even turn the volume down by closing the double glazed windows and retreating to the back of the house.

I'm having a slight battle of wills with Leo the cat again. I had a whim to reclaim my chair

so I created a new place for her.

This was going fairly well to begin with; she would curl up on/in the blue cat cushion (specially chosen to be easy to hoover), Although preferring 'my chair' in the afternoon as the sun came round.

Then I swapped the cushion on 'my chair' for another 'easy-to-hoover' one, and hid the knitted cushion on the dining chair under the table where I sit and do my work. This one;

I am running out of options here.

Meanwhile, my new packets of stickers have arrived;

These are for posting out to piano students who have done something spectacular, like pracised their pieces. I've ordered another 100 second class stamps - now all I need to do is order envelopes.

I'm trying to be slightly health-conscious this week; walking circuits round and round the garden. I managed a personal best of 14 yesterday - that roughly works out as a kilometre. It is too hot to try and do the same thing right now - sitting and blogging is a better idea.

This is yesterday's healthy desert at lunchtime; going anticlockwise, it starts off quite well with a satsuma and two strawberries from the garden.I braved a Huge Black Beetle to get those strawberries; it landed on my hand and I have to admit that I rushed around squeaking 'Beetle! Beetle! Big Black Beetle!' until it flopped off my hand and onto the draining board. I have found it a new home in the garden recycling bin, along with all the weeds and slugs and snails. I have a horrid suspicion that it is a Vine Weevil, which has Awful Consequences for the strawberry tub.
Next is a glass of not-very-delicious multivitamin drink, and finally, (only for taking away the taste) some small pieces of home-made seed cake. Yum yum.

The heatwave is supposed to be over by Friday. I think that's a good way to organise the weather. Enough sun to surprise us for a couple of days, and then back to ordinary weather.

1 comment:

  1. The stickers are a really nice incentive! Wow, 100 2nd class stamps must have cost A LOT!
    Haha, cats are so possessive over seats!
