Maybe not the most obvious word to choose on a very misty morning.
I was surprised to find that two trees that I thought were next to each other, at the other end of the road, are not. Next to each other, I mean;
Today, I could only see the misty outline of the smaller tree; so the dark green tree must be quite a bit further away. I've been living here for 35 years and had never noticed this before; doing all the drawing and painting this year has made me much more aware.
So, the word 'bright' has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. I was thinking more of fireworks and bright lights, and fending off the darkness and gloom, but this afternoon the sun has come out, the air is crisp and clean and I have managed a walk around the block - there is the short walk and the long walk and the medium - and I did the medium route today.
I've got my new box of proper pavement chalks - there'll be no stopping me now!
Yes, that's why I aim to emulate you and do more drawing and painting - it's such a good way of improving our seeing.