Tuesday 8 June 2021

Tuesday 8th June - Episodes and Interludes

 I have resurrected one of my other blogs, 'Episodes and Interludes', which has been dormant for several years. 

I created it years ago to be a sort of on-line Commonplace Book, then deleted nearly all the posts, got bored with it, and now I'm using it as a sort of notebook for an Almanac cum Diary cum Year Book sort of thing. 

There may be a fair amount of overlap between this one and that one - or maybe not? Who knows! 

We'll see how it goes... maybe I'll carry on with it, maybe I won't!

The blog address is www.episodesandinterludes.blogspot.com


  1. It says "Permission Denied".....
    Am I in your bad books,
    Maybe I gave you dirty looks.
    Its it too late to make amends
    For whatever made the offends?

    1. Aha! I see that I created this a a private blog... I have altered the permissions. Sorry about that...
