Friday 23 December 2022

Friday 23rd December - Tidying up, dealing with odds and ends

 We reached the point of deciding how much more Christmas Decorating we would do, and the answer was - none. I normally fill the hearth with baubles and tinsel, and we usually drape tinsel along the bookshelves, but this year we are going for a simpler look. 

To be fair, there are Christmas decorations or lights wherever you look, so we are not entirely minimalistic.

Almost all the present swaps are  complete; just our next door neighbours left. My brother appeared this afternoon. He brought me a lovely basket of fresh and exotic salad, exactly what I asked for. It is in the coolest part of the hall, ready for me to investigate further tomorrow.  It isn't the sort of thing that one can wrap. I've handed over three bags, one to be kept in their larder, one for jolabokaflod, and a surprise Christmas present to unwrap.

What's jolabokaflod? I found out about it last year. In Iceland (the country, not the shop) people give books on Christmas Eve, to be opened and read straight away. So I have bought books for my brother, sister in lay, their sons and my father, who will be staying with them for Christmas. 

So, the sitting room is nearly clear, the other end of the room is tidier than it was, all the presents are stacked under the tree and we are heading to a state of relaxation 24 hours sooner than normal.

The to do list for tomorrow is very short.

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