Saturday 24 December 2022

Saturday 24th December - A Strange Day

We said goodbye to our remaining cat this morning. She was heading for 20 years old, in reasonably good shape, but we had seen her back legs growing weaker this year. Today was the day they gave up on her; we had an early appointment with a strange vetinary practice as our usual one was closed. The vet we saw was just wonderful,  gentle, careful,  proficient and everything was as good as it could be.

Ah well. You know this day will come when you bring the kittens home, and when the time comes it is a good and beautiful thing when you can ease them from one world to the next.

As I stood shivering and waiting for Himself to bring the car round I took these pictures to remind myself that Spring will come;

I hope you have been enjoying the Great Advent Antiphons. I find them extraordinarily hopeful to reflect upon.

I am enjoying the sweet taste of the last of the Advent Calendar treats. Tomorrow- as the cowboy Carol goes, 'There'll be a new day beginning from tonight"

Happy Christmas 


  1. I'm so sorry. We had to make the same journey with one of ours a while back and, while sad and no fun, the kindness of the vet practice provided some solace

  2. Yippee Ay Ey! Loved singing this Carol with the children
