Tuesday 20 December 2022

Tuesday 20th December - Full Speed towards Christmas

The days suddenly start rushing towards Christmas about now. 

I'm always astonished at how slowly the start and baubles are added to the cloth Advent Calendar at the beginning of Decembet, and how quickly they are added in the week before Christmas Day.

This year, in spite my  good intentions,  I have only written about a dozen cards mainly for our nearby neighbours along our road. The only ones that made it into the post box were to piano pupils. I did buy extra cards in case I ran out (ho ho ho) which is probably where the snag arose - life being contrary and so on. I think my best bet is going to be to send out New Year's cards this year. I wonder what would be a good picture to choose?

I used to have quite a good system of starting at the front of the address book or the back of the book in alternate years. This year.... ah well.

I've made a rich boiled fruit cake. I'm not calling it a Christmas cake as I've had too many disappointments. This time I  took the economy recipe that I used to make back in 1977, added extra fruit and used rum to cook the fruit, butter and muscovado sugar. I even cooked it in the top oven because the recipe dates back to before fan ovens were common. 

Now I'm wrapping presents and stashing them under the tree as I go. Just a few final decorations to sort out, and then - let the season begin!

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