Wednesday 14 December 2022

Wednesday 14th December - A Disturbance to Routine

 This morning went very awry. 

To begin with our supermarket delivery was more idiosyncratic than usual, so he rejected about ten items - this is most unusual as we frequently have no missing or substituted items. Even when there are substitutions we mostly happy with their offerings. 

I say 'he', as most of the online shopping is ordered, dealt with and put away by Himself. In grateful appreciation of being able to stay all cosy in bed I have no complaints my breakfast tray is a little late. After all, it is the last word in luxury to have breakfast in bed, and every day as well!

However, after a long, long while I began to feel a bit restive, so I got up and dressed and came down to see what was happening. I confess to feeling grumpy and headachy and out of sorts, but kept that to myself while I made coffee for both of us as porridge for myself.

The missing piece of information is that he bought a new telephone yesterday and moving everything across was 'non-trivial' for all sorts of reasons.

'Have you had breakfast'? I asked.

He emerged as from a deep, deep treacle mine and gave the question some thought.

'No,' he replied and broke off to have a dpbowl of cereal, before returning to the treacle mine with renewed purpose.


  1. Changing technologies is always fraught. My elderly neighbour had a visit from her son on Tuesday. He lives some distance away. He always rings when he is home safe. He did not ring. She did not sleep, anxious about him. Wednesday morning he rang - said he couldn't get through Tuesday. We discovered her daughter had replugged phone into a multiway extension also powering 3 sets of Xmas lights. In the evening, my neighbour had flipped the switch to turn them off - and therefore also switched off the phone! I said we gave all made mistakes like that.

    1. We certainly do! I rely on 'no news is good news ' to stop myself from worry.
