Monday 29 May 2023

Monday 29th May - another couple of steps forward

 I've successfully made coffee today¡

I've completed a suduko without making a mistake!

And I've even dared to a little bit of cross stitch. But it's unlikely I will be putting it in the post in time to get to Ang before the end of the month... hopefully I'll finish in the next day or so. There's not a lot left to do.

I'm just trying to take things slowly; I'm desperate to plant out the four or five beans and one pea that have germinated,  and sow more carrots as only two plants have come up. I ate one of the four radishes that grew, and have left the three lettuces and two spring onions to carry on. The seeds I sowed at the end of April have been almost a complete failure, so I'll just throw some more on and see what happens. 


  1. I did a lot of seed sowing 4 weeks ago and scribbled it all down outside in the garden on a piece of paper. And now I have lost the paper before I got round to transferring the notes to my garden journal.

  2. I've failed to write in my gardening journal- disaster! I have been germinating french bean seeds in my kitchen which are ones I grew from my own collected seeds- I DO hope I get lots of out of them and they don't get demolished by the beasties!

  3. Rings of copper tape have been working wonders; you can cut off the top of large yoghurt pots, stick the tape to the circle and then place this round the plants. It really works!
