Sunday, 2 July 2023

Sunday 2nd July - you are closer to God’s heart in a garden

than anywhere else on earth, as they say, and that's where I spent most of the morning.

 The morning church service wasn't live-streamed today as there was a baptism with lots visiting guests and children. I wonder what they made of it all? It was an all-age family service, and led by a science teacher whose talks are always exciting and surprising, and often require fire extinguishers close at hand....

But back to the garden. I (very slowly!) extracted a bucket full of  compost, complete with hundreds of worms and too many so-called biodegradable teabags.  I intend to mix the compost with spent earth to top up the as yet unplanted patio tubs. Meanwhile Himself worked away at clearing all the wild strawberry plants that had overgrown the 'pebble patch'. It's looking much, much better.

A friend came round with three trays of plants for me. I know she often takes friends to the coffee shops at various garden centres, so I asked her to get me some plants if it was convenient. 

I'll work out where to put them tomorrow. 

This year's success has to include the sweet peas. It took them quite a while to get going.

And also the cardoons. The third one at the back is invisible because it is so small; we removed three enormous snails from it the other evening and surrounded the remnants with 'slug gone' wool pellets so maybe it will recover.

The temperature has dropped noticeably this evening. I'm grateful for a rug over my legs and tootsies!


  1. My sweet peas have leaves and buds but no blooms yet. I mixed compost with "spent earth" and topped up the raised bed. There are 4 unexpected tomato plants out there now.
