Saturday 14 October 2023

Saturday 14th October

 After three days of 'getting things done' I've had a day of 'not getting things done'. Once I'd accepted that this was how the day was going, I was quite happy.

So, I didn't do much housework- flicked my lovely real ostrich feather duster around some shelves and cobwebs (bought from lakeland a few years ago) and emptied the top two tiers of the dishwasher. (The bottom tier needs far too much 'bend and stretch' and therefore breath to be a comfortable proposition).

Yesterday I had cut a kohl rabi from the veg patch. They are weird looking things!

You cut off that bulbous bit once they are between golf and tennis ball size. If you are wondering if that really is a walking stick ferrule bolted to the side of the tub, well, your eyes do not deceive you. I used to have a home-made samba drum set andvtake it round to schools, and two large tubs were my bass drums. They needed feet to lift them off the floor to get that lovely great booming beat. When I stopped teaching samba we drilled holes in the bottom and used them for veg instead.

Anyway, back to the kohl rabi. It was so different to the shop bought one; I tried a dmall eaw chunk as I was peeling and dicing it to add to somevmixed vegetables. It  had a mild flavour like shredded cabbage, but like a juicy radish. Not peppery or Brussels sprouts at all. The shop one was much larger, drier, like swede, with a pronounced sprout flavour, and although it was OK, it didn't enthuse me.

I've had to put my trainers away until next year.

When the concrete hardstanding in and around the veg area gets damp (as in all the way through Autumn, Winter and early Spring these shoes become lethal. I wondered if it would be an idea to scrub the concrete (in other words for Best Beloved to scrub the concrete) but agreed that changing my shoes was a more convenient approach. 

Anything else to report?

 I ran out of patches for the hexagon patchwork oh no! Yesterday and today I cut and tacked about 30, so I'll be OK for a while.

I'm still hiking along the Yosemite trail. I've gone past Mariposa where the really giant sequoia trees are. It's well worth looking them up on the Internet for really good pictand videos.

Here's where I was yesterday,  at the top of this 4 mile switchback descent;

And here's where I've got to now; (I was wrong about that red marker, I thought it showed where I started each day from, but no, it shows where I need to be to keep up with the schedule I decided upin at the beginning)

The path looks most alarming; that's a sheer drop to the bottom on the left...

Just don't look down and stay away from the edge!


  1. I planted kohlrabi seeds last year but none of them bothered to germinate. I have 2 half packets left, one red one white. Maybe next year. I planted 2 tubs of potatoes with a view to new potatoes at Xmas as suggested by Monty D. (Back garden)Discovered this morning that the leaves have all been eaten. But 2 plants in the raised bed (side garden) seem healthy and unbitten (as yet) I am still wrestling with rampant passion flower which got through next doors fence into the front garden. Best gardening news is that I think the fuschia cuttings have rooted. When can I stop gardening and spend more time stitching and knitting?

    1. I spent time last week removing all discoloured leaved from my chard, and yesterday did the same to my potatoes and spinach. I think it's some kind of beetle, a leaf miner. The chard recovered well, not sure if spinach will.

  2. I have often wondered what you do with kohl rabi.

    1. Me too, I looked it up on the Internet and is seems surprisingly versatile. So far I have cut it up and braised it with diced onion, and also tried it grated and added to home made coleslaw. Both very good.
