Saturday, 7 October 2023

Saturday 7th October

I managed 1600 steps yesterday; enough to walk down a deep canyon to a lake and back up the other side

and as far as - another carpark! I didn't capture a screenshot of the cars; one carpark looks pretty much like another. This picture is looking back to where I was yesterday, (virtually,  of course!)

Today was one of our meet ups with Son and Daughter. After the now-traditional waffles with bacon and maple syrup in the café we found a picnic table and played a game, or part of a game, of Catan. It can go on for hours so we set a time limi, otherwise it would have had possibly a nother hour to go.

Home again. I've actually d one quite a lot of the admin stuff from yesterday which makes me feel pretty pleased with myself. I think it's quite important to celebrate, in a small way, all the small victories of the day. I learned that 'Success breeds success' from some (probably psuedo) mindfully motivational selfy-helpy article, but it works quite well in practice.  Set the bar low, sez I; then you can move it up, rather than reaching for the stars constantly failing.

I've knitted the contrast for the forethought afterthought heel of my sock (yes, I meant to say that. An afterthought heel is inserted after the rest of the sock is done, and the forethought bit means that I've marked where it will be placed in advance). And I've gone an inch beyond. So that's a small win too.


  1. I love those pretty calabash pins! My daughter gave me a pack of them. So much nicer than plastic stitch markers

    1. Watch out... my husband was eyeing them up and asking if he could have some for his tool box, as he could think of several things they might be useful for!

  2. I agree! Set the bar low and you can always rise above it! I was happy to FINALLY get my marking done- I kept carrying it around- just needed to look and add to my assessment sheets! Mainly because my husband has some marking too and I don't want that bag of books in our living room so I suggested we both do it together. I am SO much better when I work with someone else though it's a pity he usually can't bear to be in the same room as me when working as ANYTHING disturbs him in the slightest! :(
    I've never played Catan! I would like to!

    1. I agree, having someone else working alongside is encouraging. I saw some time ago that there were students youtubeing themselves doing exam revision, and other students watching to help them keep on task! Wouldn't work piano practice so well ;)
