Sunday 26 November 2023

Sunday 26th November - Cake Sunday? Pudding Sunday?


No, this isn't cake or pudding Sunday! (Although I have made three Christmas cakes, and eaten the first two 'testers' already)

I might make a small pudding tomorrow or Tuesday. 

This is the last Sunday before Advent, and is the day the Church of England celebrates 'Christ the King', a few weeks before we celebrate the Nativity. 

Round in a circle we go; from the end of the church year to the beginning, from Christ's death and resurrection to his birth.

The collect for the day famously begins with the words 'stir up', which is where the idea of making cakes and puddings comes from.

Stirring up our wills to do good works. Seeing what we can do to 'plenteously bring forth the fruit of these works', as a response to the work done by God in us.

This gives me an impetus to get a grip and write the Christmas cards (I didn't get round to doing them last year).

And to give consideration to the various charities which work to bring relief to those less fortunate than me and make time to send off donations so they can carry on.

Some of the charities I'm thinking of are the Salvation Army, Trussell Trust, Crisis at Christmas, and, for further afield, Unicef. It's easy enough to donate online.

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