Thursday 30 November 2023

Thursday 30th November - a load off my shoulders?

 Or, a haircut! My hair had grown halfway down my back. I looked into getting a mobile hairdresser to come round and do my hair in the garden in the Spring, but then there came a series of unfortunate events, ranging from bad weather, to my father being ill, or me being below par, all interspersed with school holidays (mobile hairdressers tend to be mothers of school age children) intervened.

And who would want to get their hair cut outside now? I'd have to take my hat off for a start!

A day or so ago I took matters into my own hands, and set Best Beloved to work while my hair was soaking wet from a bath. 'Could you cut it to about this length, 4 finger widths below my ear?'

He set to work, I heard the scissors, and a huge chunk of hair fell into the bath.

His interests lie more in the area of quantum physics than materials science. Which is why insufficient allowance was made for the elasticity of wet hair, and also the effect of drying on the length of hair.  

All things considered,  my hair is looking pretty good, inspite of being shorter than it has been for many years!

Things continue apace for the Advent crafts project. I have made a scandi heart and a flexagon as possibilities, a 1-week cowl is underway and the Teddy bear factory is in full swing.

The Teddy at the top right is one of a pair of glove puppets my daughter gave me some years ago. She bought them at a craft fair somewhere, and I have been developing my own version.  The great teddies have been sewn together now to make a finger puppet, with the little red scarf sewn in place. It's just waiting for eyes, nose and mouth.

If you fancy a bit of quick and cheerful Christmas knitting, Ang has posted a pattern for tiny knitted Christmas jumper ornaments which she is selling in her shop. And do go and have a look at the shop too. 

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