Saturday 2 December 2023

Saturday 2nd December - more than just baking all day...

 I've been making paper craft prototypes and doing knitting trials for my Advent week by week project as well as baking biscuits.

I feel like Miss Buncle, in 'Miss Buncle's Book' by D E Stevenson when she is writing. An abridged version is the current Book at Bedtime on the radio, and I am enjoying it, but it glosses over what Miss Buncle is like when she is caught up in the excitement of writing. 

In the real book, there us a description of how she writes continuously, feverishly even, for days and nights with her worried maid bringing up meals on a tray, until she reaches the end of the book. Then she sleeps the clock round before with emerging into the day, blinking like Mole.

I've been knitting and cutting paper and testing recipes all day and every day, and developing a keen appreciation of what it must be like to be a Bake-off competitor. 

The consequence is the the corner of the settee looked like this;

Before I tidied it and put things back;

My work desk is minute, and had become impossible to work at;

Once again, a transformation. 

As you might have noticed I thought I'd have a teabreak.

I've been given a Jaquie Lawson Advent calendar, and thought I would have a cup of tea and look at today's window. Every day there is a little animal hidden in the grounds, three so far, as there was a 'pre-Advent' window and animal.

The animals are drawn and painted in a sketch book in the Drawing Room, and it occurred to me it might be fun to copy the sketches into my diary.

I think this will be a interesting and useful way of getting back into drawing and painting again.


  1. Te Jacqui Lawson calendar is always a delight!

    1. Isn't it just! I look forward to opening each 'window' every morning
