Sunday 17 December 2023

Sunday 17th December - Crafts for Third Week of Advent and etc

Yesterday turned into chaos as I tried to get ready to post this week's crafts, which are some very traditional puff pastry recipes, wrist warmers (have you noticed a 'garter stitch' theme? I hate doing purl!) and a magic paper flexagon.

I was testing the puff pastry recipes for this week at the same time as trying out a new and interesting microwave 'mug cake' recipe, when an old friend, dating back from when our families lived next door to each other back in about 1957 (!) - we were toddlers then - telephoned.

It made for a hectic half an hour as I juggled microwave, air fryer and telephone; but it was lovely to catch up and share news of our families. I was bridesmaid at her wedding, and god mother to one of her girls, and she is god mother to our son and we have always kept in touch for over 60 years.

The mug cake recipe needs thinking about. It probably didn't appear at its best, as microwave cakes need to be eaten immediately or they become stodgy and tough and rubbery and I was enjoying our phone conversation too much to eat cake. I shall give the recipe another go...      

The wrist warmers were also not without incident - regular readers of this blog have no doubt sussed that I'm just as incapable of following instructions exactly, as I am of producing a blog post without typos. My excuse for the typos this time is that my laptop computer, which I was actually using as a laptop instead sitting comfortable at a table, suddenly gave me a 'battery low' warning and I needed to finish the posts in  hurry.

Re the wrist warmers; I discovered I had miscalculated the amount of yarn in the ball. It looked as though they would work out anyway (such an optimist) and so it proved. As with the pigs-in-blanket and cranberry sauce puff pastry puffs, where I had neither cranberry sauce nor pigs-in-blankets. 

I suppose that is the difference between gourmet fine dining, and couture clothes construction, and what I manage to make using what I have.

The Christmas wreath which I constructed this morning is a case in point. The 'spring wreath' has been hanging on the outside of the shed door all Summer and Autumn. I took it down, wrapped the the holly garland from last year around on top of the leaves and spring flowers, added tinsel and finally a couple of poinsettias which must be decades old now.

I shall probably have another go at that trailing bit of holly in the next day or so - it was time for lunch and I was getting cold anyway. But I'm quite happy with the result - what can you expect for 15 minutes of wreath wrangling?


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