Tuesday 30 January 2024

Tuesday 30th January

Another driech day... but were warm and cheerful indoors. 

Fro drawing, I decided to do a lighting sketch of all the different plant foods I have eaten so far this week, and I wax astonished. Although I don't think I can score myself very highly for the sage, thyme, rosemary and Bay leaf that went into the lentil  and sausage casserole. Or for the constituents of a herbal tea.

I've included pecans by mistake, but I now I've finished my supper I could add add apple chutney (inside my home-made sausage roll), pickled onions (with balsamic vinegar) and picked beetroot. It all adds up very quickly....

The grapes look a bit shrivelled,  but actually, they are!

Today I heard about 'scavenger hunt decluttering'; that sounded more fun.

Here's my scavenger hunt list to complete in February! 

And a friend of mine wants my complete set of 'Miss Read' books - hooray! That will clear a shelf. I've read them too often now to want to keep them. Iused to read them as a sort of soothing and comforting way of taking 'time out' when everything was getting to be tooooo much. I've a couple on audible and I know if I start listening I will be asleep in ten minutes. 


  1. I think you just made my list!

  2. The minute I got rid of my 'Miss Read' books I regretted it and ended up finding them in charity shops, car boot sales and on-line. I now have the full set again.

    1. I have been dithering over them for a couple of years! I think I might download them as and when... if I change my mind. I really like the way I can change the font size on kindle; my old paperbacks have such small print!.

  3. I just ate my 30-a-week foods. Didn't stop to draw them!
