Friday, 23 February 2024

Friday 23rd February

 What is work, and what is not work?

Best Beloved has put two loads through the washing machine and hung it all up to dry, walked round to the corner shop for a pint of milk, tightened up the bolts on the bedframe which involved unscrewing the modification he made to the splats in order to slope the mattress to the head of the bed for me and also a good deal of hoovering. And changing the sheet and putting the mattress back. Ther was also putting out the bins and fetching them back, making lunch and getting petrol for the car.

I would call all of that work, and sadly I find almost all of those tasks impossible. I did slowly put a chilli con carne on to cook in the crock pot, and help with shifting the mattress enough so he could do the rest, and we prepared our evening meal together.

Otherwise I continued with the book cover

Copied a book cover using a drawing program on the tablet

and did another hour's cross stitching while listening to the audiobook 'Mrs Miniver' on BBC sounds. None of which sounds like 'work'!

It's a very unequal division of labour for us these days. One solution is just Not To Be Too Houseproud and embrace the 'lived-in' look!



  1. And if it was the other way round you would do it with all your heart.

  2. We do what we can, when we can. And if we can't, we don't worry. Currently the home is in total chaos, as we have used all our energy in the morning at Holiday Club, and literally collapsed with exhaustion in the evening. Today we are gently getting things straight...

    1. I don't know about you, but I keep forgetting to remember my limitations! Like you say, gently does it.
