Thursday 8 February 2024

Thursday 8th February

Two posts today, the earlier one was really yesterday's. 

Today is all zooms and daffodils...

It's a five-zoom day; the usually three piano lessons, plus another piano lesson carried over from earlier in the week, and then the regular Thursday church homegroup zoom still to come.

(not a church homegroup as I used to think of them! We don't plough through a Bible Study booklet, or sit in an attitude of prayer taking turns to pray out loud or stay resolutely silent...

We do take turns to share a Bible verse or paragraph, and put our heads together to see what we can discover between ourselves (Galatians fruits of the spirit bit if I'm choosing,  but I've lost track of whose turn it is), and usually have a closing prayer from a book, but in between we talk about the week, chatting over concerns, highs and lows.  We pray for each other about whatever seems good during the intervening days until next time. I love it!)

Oh, I mentioned daffodils...

Firstly Himself bought three bunches of daffodils, some for me, some for my father when he was shopping today, but then brought them ALL back home by accident. Wow! Twelve stems for a £1? Can the daffodil farmers make any money at that price? I stuffed them into two jars, and will take half round to my father at the weekend.

Then a friend (a member of the homegroup) dropped round with another bunch. So the jars are absolutely full now. Some of hers are a little further out than mine.

And on my rather shorter walk this afternoon when it wasn't raining, I noticed that some of ours are just beginning to flower in the front.

(The painted pebbles I put on the wall, marking off the days in February, are slowly disappearing... I haven't seen them go... I don't want to keep them so I am pleased that someone else is taking them. One of the passing small children perhaps, on their way to or from school?)

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