
Sunday 18 August 2024

Sunday 18th August

Three stranded ropes

I learned a new word this week; anhedonia

 Today I read an article in The Guardian (online) written by an Annalisa Barbieri, an 'agony aunt', who found that she had lost all joy and pleasure in - well - everything. So she consulted various experts to discover more about this state of mind, often, but not always, one of the symptoms of depression.

If this state of mind is too deeply rooted, you may need professional help. But there are things you can do to help turn yourself around if you are just 'in a rut' or 'a bit of a slump'.

I know that state of mind, and having experienced it for relatively short periods a few times in my life and been hauled out of it by my husband I'm on my guard against being like that again.  

This is what Annalisa Barbieri learned:

Three strands, 

mind - meet people; 
body - do some exercise, go for a walk; 
spirit - see what God has created, leaves, flowers, trees, and more.

If we take care of all three strands, then we will be stronger.


  1. As it says in proverbs, a cord of three strands is not easily broken. My grandmother said if you want to find JOY in life, your priorities should be Jesus, Others, Yourself - in that order. I feel so sorry for Annalisa, and others like her, for whom life is a constant struggle.

  2. Very good advice which I will note as I can get a 'slump' at times

    1. I think we all can... I try and 'catch' myself on the way down and take action promptly!

  3. Very good advice, especially the outside bit. I know that over the last few years my garden has been a place of solace and sometimes wonder, for me. Even the new bud of a rose can lift your spirits.

    1. 5 minutes outside, every day. That's all it takes!
