
Monday 19 August 2024

Monday 19th August

You know that dreadful feeling when you turn up at the wrong place for an appointment?

I got a chance to experience it all over again this morning; luckily, due to an unusually easy drive through the pre-rush hour traffic we were 45 minutes early getting to the further of our local hospitals for more routine tests. 

I discovered the mistake when I got into the lift to go to the 3rd floor, but worryingly the lift only went up to the first floor! Then I re-read the letter properly.  Ah. We retraced our step and got to the correct hospital with time to spare; 45 mins to get to the car, 25 mins to drive there left me with 15 mins to find the right department! All's well that ends well...

The rest of the morning (after a hectic 45 mins of breathing in and out into the contraption that measures lung function) was also a bit chaotic; a phone call on the way home to say that my father’s chair was being delivered an hour early meant that BB was scrambling to drop me home and get to my father’s flat in time... 

but everything was achieved,  'swan-style'.

This is one of my Daughter's illustrations drawn for my old music teaching blog. It always amuses me that if I search for 'paddling swan' it's still the first drawing that comes up!

After all that this afternoon has been an oasis of calm. 

I've finished a very quick fabric A6 book cover for a second notebook swap that an old university friend and I will start once her allotment harvest is safely gathered it. She can only do it during the 'slow season' as once things get growing in the spring she will be far too busy!

I've used some Japanese 6" charm squares. One for the front, one for the back, and a couple more to make up the extra width and depth I needed.

Later I went up to find a warmer jumper and a pair of socks... is this the early arrival of Autumn? Or a lull before the next heatwave? Either way I'm ready...


  1. What lovely fabrics on the book cover. A notebook swap sounds fun. I think you needed your oasis of calm after such a morning!

    1. The fabrics are lovely. I'm looking forward to using them on the collaboration with Ang.

  2. The fabrics are absolutely beautiful. What a charming notebook cover!

  3. Thank you! It must be the quickest and easiest so far. (I've done about 6, and another is an ongoing collaboration with Ang of Tracing Rainbows)
