
Tuesday 20 August 2024

Tuesday 20th August

 After a torrid morning of arranging optician appointments (for me and BB) and routine doctor appointment for my father) I went into the garden to recalibrate, and take my eyes away from telephone and computer screens.

This morning had started out as Autumn. Drizzle and a cold wind. By midmorning it felt more like early spring weather, with the promise of sun - maybe.

In the garden I rediscovered a heap of 20 little Egyptian Walking Onion bilbuls or bulblets or whatever they are called, lying abandoned in a pot of earth. Not knowing what else to do, I planted them in the empty pot. Perhaps I'll use the young leaves as a sort of spring onion substitute in stir fry.

 I've already got 24 baby Egyptian Walking Onions growing well in another tub! 

And I've given away a dozen to two keen veg growing friends. I did warn them to Google first, and do some research before deciding to plant them!

I discovered a big handful of garlic cloves in another pot. I had planted half a dozen cloves last autumn and then forgot about them, especially once the leaves disappeared (when did they go? Where did they go?) 

The four little garlics on the left have already got roots. I'll plant them, and I'm roasting the rest in the airfryer before freezing most for later. I looked up 'how to preserve garlic in oil' but too many of the results mentioned the dangers of botulism...

The Last Bean Standing's slug defences have been breached! So I've added another layer of pellets around its stalk, and removed a couple of leaves that were touching the soil.

Then, what! a load more baby EW onions lying around the original parent plant, now mysteriously turned into a cluster of 6 plants!

If anyone wants to experiment with an EWO of their own, let me have your address (write it in a comment, and I won't publish it) and I will post you some little bulby things. own. They are fascinating to grow....

After lunch the weather had turned into Summer. I went to the local nature reserve for coffee (tea, actually) with a friend. Being outside in the sun, the cold wind of the morning replaced by a warm breeze made everything fine again.


  1. I have planted on some of my EWOKs too. And have eaten them - little ones sliced into salads like spring onions, and in stir fries, larger ones used in casseroles, and stalks chopped as chives. But I don't recall you mentioning eating yours, Kirsten. Have you done so yet?🧅🧅🧅

    1. I'm a cowardly cowardly custard... but seeing as how you've survived... my excuse is I'm not in charge of the catering in this house!

  2. RannedomThoughts21 August 2024 at 08:37

    I freeze garlic cloves in an ice-cube tray covered in oil. They only take minutes to defrost owing to the low moisture content of oil.

    1. It was the lack of an ice cream tray that prevented me from trying this. I will maybe get one. Useful for freezing all sorts of things besides water. Glad to hear it works for garlic!

  3. Just don’t use the tray for ice later on. The garlic odour will probably get absorbed by the plastic or silicone. Possibly cleaning it in the dishwasher will remove the smell but probably best not to chance it!

    1. 🤣😬 and we know someone who would NOT be happy with garlic flavoured ice in his cold drink!
