Saturday 28 September 2024

Saturday 28th September

Autumn is here! I'm wearing slippers! I was very glad I took these to the holiday cottage; the floors there were all yellow bricks.

You can see the brick floor in the kitchen. Isn't it lovely that they left the old coal fired range, not all that different to the one used every day in the house where BB grew up. Luckily we were provided with an electric cooker, fridge and microwave.

I was reading the latest newsletter written by Austin Kleon, an artist and writer in California, this time on the subject of Autumn;

He has a quotation from Thoreau; "Live in each season as it passes"

And also this, written by Kurt Vonnegut;

Admitted he lives somewhere in the States rather than England. It's still an interesting thought.

Wednesday this week was the middle day of our holiday. In the morning we went out in between the showers for a wander upstream (I think).

A touch of colour; I think is a mallow flower

After lunch the sun came out and we walked beside the river in the other direction 

For a little wile it was really lovely outside. We were walking along the top of the bank between the river and the field stretching to the edge of the world. 

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