Monday 28 October 2024

Monday 28th October

Oh what a creature of habit one becomes as time flows along!

I wasn't surprised to find myself wide awake at 5:20 this morning, bearing in mind I usually woke up around sometime after 6am all through British  Summer Time. Hey ho. BB was awake too, although I didn't mean to snap the main light on as I went to the bathroom. Force of ...habit, I suppose!

But it's no big deal, now that we're retired. Lie-ins don't have the same significance now that we are, on the whole, not as bound by daily schedules and routines as when we were both working.

I spent 20 mins on hold when I rang the surgery today, and my call took about 2 minutes. The receptionist sounded willing, but tired and harassed so I didn't hang about but just took the first time and date she offered. The telephone answering system opened with the message that they were short staffed because of sickness, and asked us to be patient,  so I was. I was quite happy anyway flicking through 'Please Mrs Butler ' which arrived today.

 Here's the title poem;

I promise you the children in the year 1/2 class knew this one by heart as the teacher used to quote from it when they exasperated her with unnecessary questions.  However I never saw any of the children sitting in the sink, swallowing their rubber or trying to lock themselves in the cupboard... 

These days she might be risking being taken aside for a quiet word...

I'm anticipating a fair bit of hanging around tomorrow and have Taken Steps accordingly.  The blue sock has been stalled for months, and I have fathoms out why. I was bored with plain blue, and having to carry around such a huge ball of yarn when the whole sock will only use a quarter of it made the knitting far less portable, which one of the main joys of sock knitting. 

I reckon I have solved both problems in one go. I've wound a couple of smaller balls; two plain, two variegated, and I'll continue in random stripes. The knitting will now fit into my bag so I can take it with me to while away any waiting time.

As a bonus, for some reason winding wool always adds steps to my step counter...

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