Saturday 5 October 2024

Saturday 5th October

The little commonplace booklet I made for my father dropped through his letterbox today. I don't know what he was expecting but he was a mixture of pleased and puzzled by the random mixture of content.

I've asked him to go through and mark the items that he liked, and cross out the ones that he didn't enjoy, so I can tailor it more closely to his likes and dislikes. I suspect he would prefer it to contain more family anecdotes and pictures which might take a bit of thinking about.

I spent a good deal of time this morning going through my copies of his paperwork and filing it so that I can help to manage his affairs. Every piece of paper I picked up seemed to throw up more questions!  

Dear readers, if you are of 'a certain age', do consider creating what this lady in her blog calls a 'Going Away Box'!

My father told us all to create one after a talk at his Probus club meeting about 20 years ago. I think he started one.... but.... it's a lot easier to get this all sorted out while you've still got lots of energy (and memory)!

After lunch we went to the Prairie Gardens for some much needed fresh air. Just look at those blue skies!

I love the colour of these Michaelmas daisies - a really pretty pink

I took this picture to remind me of the grasses and seed heads, a big feature at this time of year

A last look back, after tea and cake (lemon, gooseberry and elderflower). We were standing by the gate leading to the car park.

And the entrance gate; I'm standing by the car

The garde will close for the season after next weekend. I hope we can get a visit or two in before then. They will leave the grasses and seed heads standing all through the winter for the birds. Then in February, they will set fire 🔥 to all the plants! 

Once everything has regrown, or been replanted, from seeds and cuttings they raise themselves, it will be ready to reopen in June.

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