Monday, 27 January 2025

Monday 27th January - just stuff on the Internet

 This morning I had a mad moment, that lasted too long, in one way, and not long enough in another. In a desperate attempt to hold off from raiding the biscuit tin for another ten minutes,  I thought I would make a start on the kitchen floor;

I didn't get much of the floor dobe, as I foolishly opened the doors to the cupboards under the sink. Well, I'm certainly not going to show you a 'before' picture! I abandoned the floor and dealt with the cupboards; washing them out and sorting out the contents. There are certain cleaning products we won't be needing to buy again for quite some time.

For the rest of the day I opened the cupboard doors every time I went into the kitchen to bask in the improvement. No 'after' photograph either; let's just say it's massively improved. I consider any dirt or stains left behind will be 'clean' dirt at least...

Then this evening I found this;

Yes! This! Doing just the one thing that was annoying you every time you looked it. I should maybe qualify it; doing the one thing that it is possible to do... and I would add 'and then take time to glow in your achievement several times through the day?

That's certainly how I felt about the kitchen floor  and the cupboards under the sink.


I also found another new word;

Oh, so tempting on some of the dreary mornings recently!


Today's was verse 5. 

For Tuesday I've reached verse 6. Good advice;

A time to search, and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away.


  1. To hurkle favourite occupation.

  2. I like Hurkle Durkle lol
    Sounds like you got a lot done!

    1. Every little thing that gets done is a win in my book

  3. I recognise that feeling of basking in a task completed. If only I could use that memory to motivate myself . . .
    Yes, hurkle-durkle is most welcome on these dark mornings.

    1. Currently I use an adapted 'Homer Simpson ' method;
      Tomorrow Me will be so pleased that Today Me did this....
