Sunday, 12 January 2025

Sunday 12th January - and today I have

Finished the Christmas jigsaw

I spent a little while having a proper look at the pictures; five big dogs and lots of little ones, two mice, two squirrels,  a fox (a little too close to one of the three rabbits and the mice, I hope he knows it's the season of goodwill), an owl, two doves, another animal that I don't recognise near the fox, is it a chipmunk? a snowman and lots and lots of people. I hope thet all saw Father Christmas and his reindeer... look up! Don't stare at the ground all the time or you'll miss things!

It was a very pleasant way to spend the morning. 


I've also made a cake, twice the size I had intended. It is a basic 2-egg Victoria sponge, but using half molasses sugar and half white. Then a very good shake of ground ginger, a shake of mixed spice, some chopped crystallised ginger and the dregs of a jar of home-made mincemeat. It's cooling now... I'll investigate it tomorrow. 


It was lovely to go back to the zoom church I joined earlier last year. I've not attended for a couple of weeks while we've been inside out and upside down with everything.

We're completely in limbo at the moment, waiting in a queue to have everything processed by the hospital before we can join the queue to see the registrar and then join the queue for the crematorium. I don't mind; it feels like a heaven-sent breathing space. When my godmother died everything seemed to be such a rush, partly to get things done before Christmas. This time around we're just taking each step at a more measured pace. 


Today's portion of Psalm 23; The Lord is my shepherd. 

(Every shepherd knows you have to takes things calmly when moving sheep around!) 


  1. The jigsaw is so lovely with so much interesting detail. It's a shame to break it up. Your cake sounds delicious.

    1. The jigsaw was challenging but good fun. It's a Wentworth one, they are always excellent.

  2. That is definitely a chipmunk to the left of the rabbit.

  3. The jigsaw is so nice. There are so many details! I haven't done any puzzles in a long time. I have to use our dining table, so it's getting a bit messy.

    1. I got this tray specially as it is the right size. Our table is always too messy!

  4. My SIL gave me a tray like that. It's never occured to me to use it for Jigsaws!

    1. Measure tray and jigsaw before you start..... speaking from experience!!!
