I learned the expression 'marmalade-dropper' today;
I'd never heard it before.
I suppose there aren't so many people around who read the morning paper over breakfast these days...
Talking of marmalade, I've got a couple of jars open at the same time for reasons lost in the mists of time. A good dollop of marmalade added to a basic all-in-one sponge cake recipe is definitely a recipe for success!
Psalm 23; the final part of 'the valley of the shadow of death' verse;
For thou art with me, thy rod and staff comfort me.
The idea of God hitting me with a stick doesn't sound comforting at all. But the word 'rod' also has the idea of authority, dominion, power, like a ceremonial mace or sceptre. A better reading of this verse is perhaps 'your power and authority comforts me, I trust in you to beat off my enemies with your stick'.
The people who read their newspapers over the marmalade might also be the ones that write letters to the papers, signed 'Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells'.