Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Tuesday 7th January - anyone up for a piano playalong?


This was my first 'real' piano book after 'little tunes for Jack's and Jills' or some such early primer. I'm going back to about 1960...

Well, I've kept going, with some breaks, for 64 years, and I'm a bit stuck again. Does anyone fancy joining in with a 'get started again' journey? 

If so, what should we pick? Something different for each participant? Or something easily within the grasp of everyone?

I'm a great fan of 'Dozen a Day' exercises to get the fingers moving. Then, in my mind, I have pieces I used to be able to play, pieces I never learned to play properly, and ones I would like to have a go at. 

The important thing for me is to get started on something achievable within a shortish timespan. Like a beginner; 15 minutes or so a day for a week. No great long sonatas or nocturnes but a sonatina or similar.

I have my eye on this for starters;

It's out of copyright so free downloads can be found here and there. Or maybe by the volume of lyric pieces; there are some gems in there. Level; about Grade 4.

Anyone care to join?


  1. The Grieg is very pretty and sounds deceptively simple - only three flats but that left hand work looks tricky to me. How about some Bach or Handel?

    1. Yes, fine by me - do you have something in mind? What do you suggest? I've half learned the Greig before, and taught it a couple of times. It 'has its moments'. I'm happy to suggest practice ideas and also glad to receive suggestions .

    2. I'm terrible for only half learning pieces when I was teaching! Partly because every student was so different so had different issues. Ps I'm more or less retired from teaching now so very rusty!

  2. Sadly I dont play any musical instrument, used to play classical guitar years ago, but not now.

  3. How I wish I could play piano. I made sure my daughters had lessons though.
    That little piece is so pretty.

    1. I applaud parents who help their children to play an instrument for as long as possible 🌟
