Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Wednesday 1st January 2025 - Hello New Year, New Month, New....

Today has been wild and wet and windy. Dawn, just after 8am, was slow and reluctant, here at midday was still very dull, and it started to become dusk long before sunset just after 6pm. Some of the family were at the seaside for lunch; not a day for swimming! 
I snipped this picture this from s short video they sent me.

New Year's Resolutions

I do make New Year's Resolutions, and I've the kept the same ones now for a long time. To my mind resolutions should be achievable, and quite easy, so I can celebrate success rather than strive and fail.

I'm not a great one for embracing difficult challenges needing self discipline, effort and discomfort!

So here goes;

1. Write in my Moleskine page a day diary every day. It's a fairly dull summary of events, happenings, weather... Every few years I look back and remember that year when I could commune with my broad bean plants every morning for a month, or we stayed in such and such a place, or...

2. Each chocolate several times a week. Okay, so this got out of hand a few months ago and we were eating several chocolates a day, every day. It's back under control; ONE chocolate ONCE a day. 

A friend suggested a (possibly) lower calorie option; she says it's important to have a small treat or find something good every day...

3. Two bags of unspecified size of things, unspecified number and type, OUT of this house every month. I'm not talking about the usual rubbish and recycling here; books, bric-a-brac, broken things... off you go! Goodbye and Good riddance!

I'm adding two more this year;

4. Give consideration to a line of a prayer or something similar throughout the day.

I started with The Lord's Prayer on Sunday, so now I  have reached 

Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven

Which seems an entirely appropriate prayer for the first day of the New Year.

5. I've forgotten what number 5 is already. Oh. That's a great start to the year. It might come back to me...

Yes, now I remember; took me a while. It's to try and finish a UFO (unfinished object) every month! I've too many half begun, half completed, nearly finished, bits and pieces cluttering up my life!

To that end I've cut out all the bits for the current part of the Corinne Lapierre Advent Calendar which stalled when my father broke his hip before Christmas. My brother visited him this morning and found him still tired, but managing to be alert for short periods, and to sit out in a chair for nearly an hour. Now, so long as he doesn't catch the 'flu which is going around in the ward...


  1. The Advent Calendar will be a good UFO project for a cold snowy January. I like the idea of a"Finnish Spring"

    1. I was gawping at 'Finnish Spring' until I caught on...!
