Monday, 24 February 2025

Monday 24th February - as light as a feather

After a heavy morning - never-ending paperwork... insurance cover for my father’s flat, collecting papers from solicitors, sorting out funeral invoice query, reconciling bank statements, ordering repeat prescription for myself...

And an active afternoon - making chicken curry (using premade sauce and cooked chicken so not that arduous!) and chopping veg for tonight's soup (leek, potato and home-made chicken stock) and tomorrow's casserole...

It was rather nice to have two much, much lighter things to think about;

Yesterday I was astonished to see what appeared to be two soap bubbles gently float down onto the grass, where, to my further surprise, they remained without bursting.

BB went to investigate;

Two small white down feathers lay on the grass. A bird must have dropped them while flying across the garden.  I was rather sorry we hadn't left them there in case the bird came back for them.


The other 'light' thing is this wonderful, wonderful movement from the Carmen Suite by Bizet, for the next line of the George Herbert poem on prayer;

'Softness, and peace, and joy, and love, and bliss,'


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