First of all; an apology; I mistyped the link for Andrew Dotchin's blog, where you can find the daily Lent reflections using 'Mister God, this is Anna'
I have done a copy and paste from the email which starts us on the journey, Day 0, Shrove Tuesday. It has just popped into my in-box, a day early; this is what he wrote
Please Note: These reflections are also published on my blog: on Bluesky as, and on my public Facebook page Suffolk Vicar - Rev Andrew Dotchin. If you would like them as a daily email please send a request to
I requested the emails several years ago and they usually arrive first thing every morning, perfect timing for morning coffee reading.
I mentioned a few days ago that I had three remarkably long-lasting vases of flowers. The third, from a week ago last Friday, has just reached the end;
There were originally 9 tulips, but the red ones were finished a few days ago. I love the Kaffe Fassett colours. I'll get some more soon.
I've so enjoyed finding music for the blog that I'm going to carry on for a bit. How about this delicate piano piece by Schuman, played by Rubenstein! The things that come to the surface of youtube.
Vowel als Prophet from Waldscenen
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