Saturday 18 February 2012

Time flies; like buzzing insects, here and gone;

This was the post for 26th November 2011; just occasionally I have an attack of verse-or-worse. I was trying to do National Blog Promotion Month, but as I started late, was doing two posts a day to catch up, apart from days when I was caught out!

So, this verse-attack was prompted by missing a day or two, and then  being unable to recall what (if anything) had happened in those days.

Time flies; like buzzing insects, here and gone;
Like midges, caught in shadows of the sun.

Great battles, or small victories may
Have been lost and won in that day.
But all in vain, swatted flat, squashed, dead
if their reason and purpose is lost, and instead
overlaid by the next eventful day of this and that
and who and why and when and where's it at.

Time flies away, unless you pause and think
And allow the memories to sink
Deep, deep into the stillness of your heart
Deep, deep, into the stillness of your heart.

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