Thursday, 1 August 2013

Thursday 1st August - The To-Do-List-continued

Yesterday, before setting off to spend the day with a great family friend, now in her 80s, and living about an hour and a half away, I managed to dispose of another 5 tasks on the list.

To encourage myself, as well as ticking them off, I've been high-lighting them; a different colour for each day.

I came back with three more tasks to add.

Today, I've only got rid of one task - getting my "Fit to Fly" certificate completed by the consultant while I was at a routine cardiology/rheumatology appointment in London. (all's well - my condition is still stable, come back in six months as usual - phew)

And I've added another couple of tasks.

I've still got tomorrow morning and Saturday morning to chip away at the list, and some tasks are going to have top go over - they can't be done in that time frame.

A lot of the original tasks have been outstanding for months and months and months and those are the ones that I have mostly managed to shift this week.


I am BOUND and DETERMINED to keep next week as clear as possible of external demands so that I can satisfy some of my internal needs - to read, to draw, to play music, to do some of the work I need to do for next term, to make an impression on the garden, to sew, to write...

My To-Do list for next week will be just as crammed as this week, but hopefully in a different way.

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