Thursday 9 June 2016

Halfterm Week - Tuesday - Medical Report

A week ago last Tuesday seems like twenty years ago now. Especially as that day was Winter - cold, wet, dank, miserable, and today (ten days later) is Summer, hot, sunny, muggy (and threatening thunderstorms)

So, anyway, a week ago last Tuesday found me in London for routine lung function tests and chest clinic appointment. We got absolutely soaked walking from the coffee shop to the hospital, properly wet through, from knees to toes. Yuck. Luckily we were both wearing walking trousers instead jeans, and they miraculously dried over the next couple of hours or so. Could have been much worse.

Image result for lung function equipment

Anyway, I did all the blowing into complicated bits of equipment, sometimes holding my breath, sometimes changing from breathing in to breathing out as fast as I can, depending on what it was they were measuring.

The result of all that huffing and puffing is that my lung function results are unchanged from the end of 2013, when I finished the course of cyclophosphamide (if that's how you spell it) to stabilize things after a bit of a deterioration in 2012. Oh, and I discovered that my "heavy cold" was a chest infection and was given antibiotics, which seem to have done the trick.

So that's us happy.

We finished the day looking at tech, stationery and dinner services in big department stores. We are thinking of replacing our china, (again) as we are using the service we got for our wedding (40 years ago next year) which predates microwaves and isn't really up to dishwashers either - we have the broken, cracked and dis-coloured plates to prove it. Amazingly, we haven't seen a single set we like - yet....  the one below is definitely NOT microwave safe! And it's probably a bad idea to put those butterflies in the dishwasher. Mind you, if it comes with those cakes...

Butterfly Bloom - Create Your Own Set

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