Saturday 25 February 2017

Saturday 25th February - Persevere - It is worth it

This recent post by is spot on for today's news:

'Whan alle tresors arn tried,' quod she, 'Treuthe is the beste'

‘There I could see winged wonders fly’, by Warwick Goble (1912)

The Chaucerian English isn't that hard to scan through. Nothing like the tedium (sorry) of getting bogged down in Canterbury Tales at school when I was about thirteen. Although, I remember the astonishment of hearing the Prologue read out and discovering I could follow the story "just like that". It was  on a TV series of maybe thirty-five years ago, called "Six Centuries of Verse" - what! I've just googled it and found it as a DVD - made in 1984! That goes STRAIGHT onto my birthday wishlist!

Back to aclerkofoxford - go on, follow the link. Read it, right to the end. I quote

"It's about Chaucer's brilliant, dizzying, disturbing poem The House of Fame, and its vision of what we have recently started calling a 'post-truth' world - in which stories spread and circulate regardless of whether they are true or not."

I could now make a reference to the latest White House Hoo Ha about excluding some news agencies and publications from a press briefing. Or I could cut another slice of cake and drink my tea.

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